Letter to the editor of the AZ Republic March 30th, 2020 (limited to 200 words and 1200 characters) During the coronavirus pandemic, there have been tons of stories of people freaking out when they can’t get their eggs, milk or meat at their local grocery store. They should consider themselves lucky. Many of these “staples”…
Month: March 2020
A Kinder World
“A Kinder World” – image copyright Susan Pitcairn – susanpitcairn.com This week more than any other since October when I kicked off my writing efforts, I am struggling to write. Valerie was listening to a podcast today where a man described the pandemic like a mix of the trepidation around a tsunami or hurricane and…
Forgiveness is a shifty creature. The worst kind of forgiveness is probably the premature variety. If we aren’t truly ready to forgive, but do it anyways, it is like wrapping a tight bandage around a wound that needs to breathe. Lingering resentment can persist like slow poison in your blood. When we are ready to…
Tiny Home Solutions to Big Housing Problems?
In 2008, as the full weight of the global economic collapse came to bear on American consumers there was a brief period of sanity: average house sizes bucked the trend and began to decline. Since the early 1980s, average detached homes had grown by about 50%. After the economic crisis, the average size settled back…