In the last week or so, someone posted a note on the Facebook page for our little island in the Salish Sea. “Tell us the story of how you came to be here.” How did we get here? That is such a big question, considering how far back we have to go to untangle our…
When the Swallows Return
When I was a young lad, my family lived in a couple of nailed-together shacks in rural British Columbia. To say it was rustic would be giving the wrong impression. “Farmhouse chic” it was not. “Late 70s Broke” was more the vibe. Ah, the things you settle for in an age of stagflation. The house,…
Final Word on 10 Weeks to a Happier Curmudgeon
I must have drifted off for a bit. This has to be the longest delay between setup and punchline! My apologies, readers (or perhaps “reader”, as I can only count on Valerie to read at this point – and she is just trying to make sure I don’t say anything too embarrassing). If anyone else…
10 Weeks to a Happier Curmudgeon – Weeks 8/9
14 Days of Mixed Nuts This past week the whip-wielders in Coursera started reminded me that we had reached week ten of “The Science of Well-being”. I walked out of the hallowed halls of university 25 years ago, but the prospect of missing a course deadline still tweaks my anxiety. I have to remind myself…
10 Weeks to a Happier Curmudgeon – Week 7
Seven Days of Squirrel Patrol After the first six weeks of the Science of Well-being course, the focus shifts to an extended implementation of tools. As I indicated in my last article I have chosen to implement a meditation practice. This was not the easy route. I could have picked “implement good sleep habits” and…
10 Weeks to a Happier Curmudgeon – Week 6
Setting Yourself up for Success After filling our heads full of great theoretical ideas to promote well-being, Professor Laurie Santos starts priming us for full implementation. As we have already learned, happiness is not derived from a one-time pill. Those of you who watched “Brain Candy” featuring Canada’s beloved Kids in the Hall will remember…
10 Weeks to a Happier Curmudgeon – Week 5
Better Wanting As a course first designed for overachieving Yale students, it is no surprise that Professor Laurie Santos starts the week by offering some thoughts on alternatives to seeking “great” (prestigious, high paying) jobs and excellent grades. On the topic of jobs, we would be better served by finding jobs that allow us to…
O Captain! My Captain!
Dear N, It might seem a bit odd to hear from a former acquaintance by way of his obscure blog. That’s true, especially considering it has been the better part of 30 years since we last spoke. Thanks in advance for humouring me! I am taking a course to try and improve my well-being. One…
10 Weeks to a Happier Curmudgeon – Week 4
Striking Back Against the Uncooperative Brain As Professor Santos tells the class very early in the course, the old(!) G.I. Joe cartoons were wrong when they told us “Knowing is half the battle.” It would be great if this was true. If simply being aware of our mental biases got us 50% of the way…
10 Weeks to a Happier Curmudgeon – Week 3
How Our Brains Mess With Our Happiness If we consider all the great works of art and scientific achievements through history, we might think the human brain is pretty awesome. It certainly is. It has helped guide hordes of slightly evolved apes to their current position of global dominance. When we are trucking around, we…