What SHOULD Make Us Happy but Doesn’t A while back I gave you a “top five” list of books for the youngster in your life. For those of you who struggle with Christmas shopping, you are welcome for my helpful ideas. On the list was Sonja Lyubomirsky’s excellent work “The Myths of Happiness”. The…
10 Weeks to a Happier Curmudgeon?
Yale professor Laurie Santos created a bit of a stir when she developed the course “Psychology and the Good Life”. The essence of the course was teaching students about what research tells us actually makes people happy. And further to that, what we can do to move the happiness needle. Oh to have had this…
I’ve Got Time for the Simple Things
“It’s Your Life – Make it Sing!” -Lowry Olafson My dear wife Valerie is to blame for a lot of great things in my life. If I am pushing beyond my comfort zone, chances are Valerie is involved in some way. And so it was a couple of weeks ago, when Valerie said: “Merry Christmas!…
Searching for Civility
On my recent road trip down the long, wide stretch of I-5 asphalt from Seattle to LA, I quietly cursed the rental car company. “Sorry sir, you requested Sirius satellite radio but your car does not have Sirius installed. Would you like us to remove that from your booking fees?” The answer of course was…
What if a Tree Doesn’t Fall in a Forest?
As I trod the trail in a fir-fragrant afternoon under a hazy sky, I “got to thinkin’” as I joke with Valerie when I have a spell of contemplation. It wasn’t a solitary walk, Dusty the ragamuffin dog alternated between lagging behind and speeding ahead depending on how interesting the scentscape was in either direction….
I Want to Be Like Rob Crow
I first saw Rob Crow at the Crescent Ballroom in downtown Phoenix. He looked a bit like a demented Santa Claus in cargo shorts and a longshoreman’s cap. He was playing bass and singing backup for Nick Reinhart (as part of a touring incarnation of Nick’s band Dishevelled Cuss). Okay, so maybe I couldn’t really…
D is for Dragonfly
When I was growing up, my grandma had a great system for spending time with her grandkids. It ensured bickering would be low to nil, and the level of care quite manageable. She would invite all of us kids to spend a week with her and grandpa at their modest but cozy home during the…
Family Choices in a World that Needs to Heal
My wife Valerie and I love podcasts about plant-based living, mindfulness, and health. The hosts and guests tend to be quite concerned about the environment. That might be no surprise, but what raises my eyebrows is when the host ask their guest something like: “How is the family? You’ve got five kids right?” Whoa, five…
Sweetness and Pain
Two years ago, instead of springing for a nice all-inclusive year-end vacation, I decided to literally put my money where my mouth is. I got a root canal for Christmas, which led me to figure that it was time to have my teeth checked. It had been three years since my last check up. My…
The Dogs We Love
When you think of the words “dog lovers”, you might have visions of the legions of breeds, their breeders and fans at their show-of-shows, the Westminster Dog Show. A great sendup of this world can be found in the Christopher Guest mockumentary “Best in Show” (which also includes Eugene Levy and Catherine O’Hara, more recently…